Вакансии в городе Красные Баррикады

Всего найдено 192 вакансий

OGD Solutions

Senior DevOps Engineer (Interviewer)

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior DevOps Engineer (Interviewer)

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior DevOps Engineer (Interviewer)

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior C++ Developer (Interviewer)

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


Years of Experience: 5+ years. Cooperation: Remote. English: B2. Required technologies: 5+ years experience with C++.

Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior C++ Developer (Interviewer)

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


Years of Experience: 5+ years. Cooperation: Remote. English: B2. Required technologies: 5+ years experience with C++.

Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior C++ Developer (Interviewer)

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


Years of Experience: 5+ years. Cooperation: Remote. English: B2. Required technologies: 5+ years experience with C++.

Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior Python Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. CI/CD. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support...

OGD Solutions

Senior Python Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. CI/CD. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support...

OGD Solutions

Senior Python Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. CI/CD. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support...

OGD Solutions

Senior Rust Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 4...

Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior Rust Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 4...

Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior Rust Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 4...

Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior Golang Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. CI/CD. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support...

OGD Solutions

Senior Golang Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. CI/CD. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support...

OGD Solutions

Senior Golang Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. CI/CD. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support...

OGD Solutions

Senior Java Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior Java Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

OGD Solutions

Senior Java Developer

Удаленная работа
| OGD Solutions


OGDSolutions is a European IT Company with a large network of 800+ vetted Software Engineers. Years of Experience: 5...

Docker. Legal agreements to ensure your security. Clear and straightforward recruitment process. The dependable support of our Support Manager.

Легион, детективное агентство


Полный день
| Легион, детективное агентство


выдающиеся коммуникативные навыки. - актерский талант. - презентабельный внешний вид. - выдающаяся харизма. - быстрый и глубокий ум. - повышенная эмпатия. - креативность. - сочетание разумной инициативы...

ПТЦ Строймет

Инженер-конструктор КМД (удаленно)

Полный день
| ПТЦ Строймет


Владение программой Tekla Structures. Фриланс приветствуется. Наличие команды от двух человек приветствуется. Соблюдение сроков проектирования. Ответственность. Коммуникабельность.

Разработка чертежей КМД по чертежам КМ удаленно.

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